A spring is an area of groundwater discharge where water flows directly from the aquifer to the earth’s surface. Springs may form wetlands, create pools, or surface in stream channels. They may emerge from hillsides or cliff walls and form hanging gardens, spring‐fed colonies of plants that cling to vertical rock faces.

Natural springs have played an important role throughout history as sources of drinking water for people and livestock, sites of economic growth, and spiritual inspiration. Springs support wetlands and riparian areas and are unique ecosystems that provide habitat for wildlife, including endangered and threatened species.

Learn more about this critically important and remarkable freshwater resource from researchers at the NJ Department of Environmental Protection who have recently published a report, Springs of New Jersey (2022) that details the unique attributes of select springs throughout the state. Several springs found in the Raritan Headwaters watershed are highlighted in the report.


Rachel Filo, Environmental Specialist 2, NJDEP, Bureau of Water Allocation and Permitting

Steve Domber, Section Chief, NJDEP, NJ Geological and Water Survey

Ted Pallis, GIS Specialist 1, NJDEP, NJ Geological and Water Survey

Yari Acosta Caraballo, Phd Candidate, Montclair State University


Springs of New Jersey 2022 report.

Springs of NJ presentation recorded on December 5, 2022.