Speaker: Dallas Hetherington, RHA Board President

A presentation of the RHA Wake- Up Call seminar series

Topic overview: Through non-partisan education and outreach, C-Change Conversations aims to improve understanding about the science and effects of climate change and encourage ongoing discussion and engagement.

$10 suggested donation includes light refreshments.  Space is limited.  Register by emailing tgordon@raritanheadwaters.org.

About the speaker: Dallas Hetherington is currently president of the board of trustees of Raritan Headwaters Association, which serves as a water quality watchdog of almost 500 square miles of northern New Jersey.   He began presenting C-Change Conversations in the fall of 2017.  He is passionate about delivering the Primer because he knows that unless we together act more decisively, his adult children and their future families, as well as millions of others around the world, will pay an increasingly high price for a warming planet.

For more information about this and other RHA Wake Up Call events, Contact Tracy Gordon, RHA Municipal Outreach Coordinator, tgordon@raritanheadwaters.org

RHA’s Wake-Up Call seminar series provides information on urgent environmental topics to inspire mindful action to protect and preserve our natural resources.  There is no Planet B.